Most importantly, this web page features examples of Kingman Birdseye Turquoise. Consequently, this particular variety of Kingman Turquoise is birdseye. Most notably, it exhibits botryoidal characteristics. In addition, according to Wikipedia: A botryoidal texture or mineral habit is one in which the mineral has a globular external form resembling a bunch of grapes as derived from the Greek botruoeidēs. Also, the turquoise imitates “Bird’s Eyes” which is what Native Americans call this pattern in the turquoise.

As a matter of fact, you can see the birdseye characteristics when looking at this turquoise specimen. In like manner, the above example is cut in half. As a result, this is a very desirable formation of turquoise, as it is out to the ordinary. Consequently, it doesn’t have the typical patterns of Kingman Turquoise. Also, it does contain the typical host rock colors. Notably, turquoise is always more desirable when it forms a-typical patterns. In conclusion it is much more rare than typical patterns.
Finally, this variety of Kingman turquoise has to receive stabilization and backing. Consequently, if this turquoise does not go through stabilization and backing, it would crumble when cut and shaped. In addition, the voids seen in the above photograph are common in Kingman turquoise. In conclusion, the mine operators typically fill these voids, so the end user typically never sees these voids.
Also, there is a distinct difference between spiderweb turquoise and water web turquoise. Most importantly, Spiderweb turquoise typically has black or brown webbing. In contrast, water web has a white, blue, or green webbing. Finally, the webbing in water web is closer to the color of the circles of turquoise, rather than black or brown.
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